A high-school level serious game to learn about sexually transmitted diseases.
The HIV incidence in people aged 13-29 has increased by 21% and African Americans are among the groups most affected. Innovative digital approaches to delivering sexual health education for disadvantaged communities is urgently needed as the STI and HIV epidemics continue to disproportionately affect the African Americans. Benten proposed to develop a mobile-based interactive serious game named Sexually Active Adolescent Focused Education (SAAFE) for diverse African American youth using a user-centered design approach. The game aimed at providing evidence-based sexual health education that is culturally relevant, fun and experiential through a dating simulation game.

Sexually Active Adolescent Focused Education (SAAFE)
What we offer: evidence-based sexual health education that is culturally relevant, fun, and experiential through a dating simulation mobile game.
Users that we are solving for: lack of innovative digital approaches to deliver sexual health education
Who we solve for: diverse African American youth